Thursday, 12 December 2013

Review - Organic Hair Colour Transformation with Karine Jackson

Organic Hair Colour Transformation Golden-hued, shimmering highlights can brighten the complexion and compliment a tan - perfect for the summer months. But come winter, it's always a good idea to opt for a darker, sultrier mane.

This was why I decided to book an appointment at my favourite organic colour salon owned by the renowned Karine Jackson - reoccurring winner of colourist of the year and beloved by many an organic hair dye devotee London-wide.

Chemical-based hair dye has been provento cause carcinogenic effects. This isn't airy fairy speculation or exaggerated scare-mongering. A report from the National Cancer Institute in 1994 clearly states that long term users of dark synthetic hair dyes have an increased risk of cancers, such as multiple melanoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In 2001, a study in the International Journal of Cancer discovered that those who regularly use chemical-based permanent hair dye to colour their hair are twice as likely to develop bladder cancer as those who don't use such toxic colouring products.

Many of us are now thankfully shunning the dreadful risk of potentially developing cancer in the quest for the perfect colour or to cover those pesky gray stragglers. We are actively seeking non-toxic alternatives.

For me, the organic hair dye used at Karine Jackson is the safer way forward...

I had highlighted my hair for the first time this summer with Karine and was impressed with the flattering, non-brassy effect. Weeks after my initial appointment, my hair continued to get lighter and attracted an array of compliments (and a few blond jokes).

After enjoying my summer dalliance with the lighter side, I decided it was the time to go for a richer, darker shade, so I submitted my locks to the talented tress-transforming hands of Claudia - a senior stylist at Karine's Covent Garden salon.

A dark, gloopy organic dye smelling rather festivity of pine was expertly smothered all over my hair as I sat back and flicked through some gossip-ridden glossies.

After 30 minutes or so it was washed off in a deliriously relaxing manner before my striking new dark brown locks were blow dried  to a gloriously glossy finish.

Before - a week after stunning highlights by Karine

2 months after highlights
After - glossy dark colour by Claudia at Karine Jackson

As you can see from the photos (yeah, I have a 'side') the colour transformation is striking yet still quite warm in tone to suit my olive skin - as expertly recommended by Karine.

Merry Christmas!

Organic all-over hair colour at Karine Jackson starts from £60.

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