Friday, 27 June 2014

Guest Post - 4 Beauty Must Buys for Summer 2014

Beauty Must Buys for Summer You know how it is. The whole of spring (and maybe even the end of winter) is tediously spent planning out your summer wardrobe and, if you’re anything like us, you start buying the hottest trends to fill up your wardrobe to ensure you’re a style leader and not a follower when the sun comes out.

You get to the end of June, the rain has cleared and you know it definitely isn't going to snow, so you can finally pull out the great outfits you acquired months ago. Suddenly, you realise your mistake; you forgot to pick up the summer cosmetics to go with your new-season wardrobe.  After all, why would you?  You usually compare make-up to what you’re wearing, so it’s natural that your look is more parka and knitted accessories than breezy summer goddess.

If this sounds familiar, fear not, for it’s not too late in the game.  Here are four beauty must buys that you can pick up quickly and get the look you want for the summer.  If you’re fast enough, no one will ever know...

The Santigolden Age by Smashbox

Okay, so this is a bit of a cheat, because we’re looking at a whole range rather than an individual product.  However, if you’re the sort of girl that loves her cosmetics to come from one brand so you know everything complements each other, this collection might just be the one for you.
Designed by American musician Santigold, The Santigolden Age Collection by Smashbox is a colourful and creative range perfect for making your eyes, lips, and nails turn heads this summer.  For us, the Eye Shadow Collage is definitely the one to buy if you’ve decided to be good.

Benefit: How to Look the Best at Everything

Benefit has been one of our favourite brands for a long time, and anyone that uses it usually can’t resist buying it and using it again.
You can see Benefit’s How to Look the Best at Everything Set at Shopcade, and we’re sure you’ll see why we love it so much.  Work on your T-Zone, prime your gorgeous skin, and get set for whatever the summer is going to throw at you with the confidence that you look amazing.

No 7 at Boots Protect & Perfect Advanced Serum

We still remember when the world went crazy for the original No 7 range at Boots, and the latest product, the advanced version of the world famous, anti-ageing (that actually works) serum, is an obvious summer must have.
The best thing about it?  It’s aimed at us younger girls, meaning we don’t have to wait for the wrinkles to appear before we start going to work.  Given the exposure to the sun our skin will see in the coming months, this is a must for your beauty regime.

Aveda Smooth Infusion

The second error we often make when it comes to summer cosmetics is forgetting that our hair needs some TLC, too.  No good getting the make-up right if we haven’t thought about how to best look after our hair in the summer!
Aveda’s new Smooth Infusion is great for girls worried about what consistent use of hair straighteners is doing to their strands.  Aveda says after five applications hair will stay straight for three washes.  If you’re smart and manage your hair without needing daily washes, this has to be worth a try!
It isn't too late to make sure your beauty regime is set for summer.  Get these four products and brands into your accessory collection today and add the final touches to the gorgeous fashions you've probably already gone out and bought.

Have a great summer!

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