My Journey On Healing Acne + My Current Skin Care Routine Notice: All the emails and questions I received from 13th February 2015 and onwards, there will be a delay in responding... Sorry guys~ As Chinese New Year is approaching, I'm super busy. So yeah...I will try to reply asap, most likely after Chinese New Year. Please understand. :xx---x
In my view, pimples are just like volcanoes... Tiny mountains (= pimples) filled with lava (= pus).

lol. Since the last serious eruption on my skin, the pimples are in deep sleep for quite some time until last month, it decided to erupt again! In simple words, yeah, I broke out. FML. Luckily, it's not as serious and horrible as last time (Read "
My Acne Story") thus, it's not a big deal but it still bothers me.

In the past during my bad acne period, I actually wanted to document it (like an update about my skin once a week etc.) in my blog but well, I just don't have the courage to do so... If you had gone through what I had, you would understand why I said that.

Anyway, this time, I worked up my courage and decided to document it weekly or bi-weekly as I think my story/experience may probably be able to help some people out there who are going through the same problem and so... here I am~ documenting my acne breakout. It happened last month so please take note that the pictures shown do not reflect to my current skin condition.
This was how both sides of my face looked on 4th January 2015. As you can see there were a mixture of post acne marks/scars, inflamed and non-inflamed zits 'party-ing' on my skin.

I think I know what caused the breakout though. It was probably caused by bad sleep routine and diet as starting from the end of December 2014, I slept really late like 4-5am e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y; and also, I consumed oily, spicy and junk foods quite often in a week. Before all these changes, my skin was pretty clear (except for occasional, very mild breakout during the time of the month) hence, that was why I think they were the causes for my recent breakout.
To combat with my acne, I'm using these products for my current skin care routine:
Besides using the listed products, I also cut down on oily, spicy and junk foods. I try to eat as healthy as I could.
Well, if you want to know how the condition of my acne progresses, join me in my journey and be sure to check back for updates~!

Before I end the post, I hereby wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR~ GONG XI FA CAI~! May the Year of the Goat bring you happiness and prosperity in abundance.

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