Friday, 29 May 2015

A day of pampering and pomp at Re:SPA

A day of pampering and pompOnce upon a time, before I discovered the haphazard joys of blogging, freelance journalism and erratic pay packets, I worked as a suited and high-heeled PA in the charismatic corporate bubble of Canary Wharf.

I would trail the designer brand-strewn underground shopping complex during my lunch breaks, contemplating the meaning of life and debating whether it would actually be ok for my mercury levels to consume my fourth Itsu sushi lunch that week.

On one of these contemplative lunch hours, I came across the brand spanking new Reebok Sports Club and decided to take a cheeky gander inside.

I was impressed with the massive climbing wall at the reception area (I'm a bit of a climber me) and completely besotted with the inviting Re:SPA - a pristine pampering paradise emanating with the scent of lavender and rose, beckoning the weary, overworked women of the Square Mile.

I knew one day the time would come when I would return to indulge in this magical place...and indulge I did many years later when I was very kindly invited to spend a day sampling the wares and services of this splendid sporty establishment. 

Not being one to enjoy lonesome indulgences, I was accompanied by my fellow pleasure-seeking buddy Kambiz who arrived determined and bright eyed, optimistically clutching a gym bag filled with appropriate sporty attire with the innocent intention of a full day of hardcore gym frolicking.

Sadly, Kambiz's wholesome plan was foiled after necking a couple of alcoholic beverages and gorging on carby delicacies with me in the club's bustling restaurant - The Pearson Room.

Sweet jesus!

Unlike my good friend's naughty (yet delicious) choice of tagliolini with parmesan and porcini mushrooms, I opted for an ethereal seared tuna and raw spinach salad - although my 'clean eating' induced smugness soon evaporated as I heartily nommed the above chocolate pudding to oblivion, whilst enjoying the skyscraper-lined view in front of me.

Look, its Dave from accounts!

We then rolled ourselves out of the restaurant. Kambiz heading off to work out at the gym (aka lounge about in the steam room), whist I made my way to a luxurious treatment room in the spa for my Aromatherapy Associates Relaxation Massage.

I cannot begin to express how incredible this treatment was. The expert strokes of the therapist combined with the soul-soothing scent of the essential oils lulled me into a deep state of tranquility.

Fancy a good scrub down?
After this blissful experience, I made my way into the chic mani/pedi area where I was treated to an equally relaxing pedicure - complete with a decadent foot soak in essential oil-infused warm water and soothing massage that almost sent me straight to the land of nod.

My day of pampering came to a merry end after a perfect baby pink gel manicure, designed to complement my burgeoning tan and last for two weeks (and I'm glad to report that it did).

The best gel mani in the world maybeh?

I would recommend the Re:SPA, Reebok Sports Club and The Pearson Restaurant to all who crave a much needed dose of lunchtime (or after work) pampering. The good men and women of the city tend to forget to relax and treat themselves when drowning in deadlines and rushing from meeting to meeting like deranged workhorses.

One of my main observations during my frenzied foray in the corporate world was that so many people would neglect their own well-being in order to climb the career ladder and please their bosses. As the great saying goes, "we should work to live, not live to work."

Maybe I have taken this saying slightly too far though..... 

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